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Sustainability disclosure dashboard

Transparency meets sustainability – explore our sustainability disclosure dashboard to easily access ABB's relevant environmental, social and governance information.

The data in this dashboard should be read alongside our latest Sustainability Statement 2024 (PDF).

Data last updated: February 27, 2025.


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Progress against targets

We have established a set of short-, mid- and long-term targets, to manage our performance and achieve our strategic priorities. You can read more in detail below about our progress toward our targets in 2024.
TargetsAssured 2024 statusBase yearTarget yearsAbsolute value of emissions (kt CO₂e)2024 reduction compared to baseline year
20302050Baseline year2024 statusAbsolute value (kt CO₂e)Percentage
Reduce own scope 1+2 CO₂e by 80% by 2030 and 100% by 2050 compared to 2019201980% reduction100% reduction6311138(493)-78%
Reduce scope 3 CO₂e emissions by 25% by 2030 and by 90% by 2050 compared to 2022202225% reduction90% reduction429,8542394,952(34,902)-8%
Ambition to avoid 600 mt CO₂e emissions throughout lifetime of products sold from 2022 to 20302022600 MT--204,3903-0%

Note: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are presented in metric kilotons (kt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) or metric megatons (mt), where 1 metric kiloton CO₂e equals 1000 metric tons CO₂e and 1 metric megaton CO₂e equals 1000 metric kilotons CO₂e.

Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024 status" column.


  1. Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions baseline value has been adjusted for portfolio changes.
  2. Scope 3 emissions baseline has been adjusted due to product portfolio and applied technical parameters refinement. In one business, the baseline was revisited as one business activity was deemed not representative for the year.
  3. Avoided emissions 2024 status is cumulative for 2022-2024, where only the 2024 value of 65,611 kt CO2e has been assured for 2024.
  4. Where a baseline applies.
  5. Based on revenues from hardware-based products and solutions where granularity of financial systems allows. Service revenues are excluded.
  6. Against the ABB Circularity Framework KPIs.
  7. Waste from demolition and construction excluded from landfill; not including hazardous waste.
  8. 2019 baseline excludes the Power Grids business and the Turbocharging division.
  9. Current focus countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and Türkiye.
TargetsAssured 2024 statusBaseline (year)42023 status2024 status
Cover at least 80% of ABB’s portfolio of products and solutions with our Circularity Approach by 20305 n.a.The circularity score will be calculated once a representative share of the portfolio has been assessed6
ABB has assessed 31% of ABB's products and solutions portfolioABB has assessed 41% of ABB's products and solutions portfolio
Send zero waste to landfill while reducing waste generation by 2030716.8 kt (2019), equivalent to 8.8% of total waste (adjusted for portfolio changes)10.1 kt, equivalent to 6.3% of total waste9.3 kt, equivalent to 5.8% of total waste

Note: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are presented in metric kilotons (kt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) or metric megatons (mt), where 1 metric kiloton CO₂e equals 1000 metric tons CO₂e and 1 metric megaton CO₂e equals 1000 metric kilotons CO₂e.

Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024 status" column.


  1. Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions baseline value has been adjusted for portfolio changes.
  2. Scope 3 emissions baseline has been adjusted due to product portfolio and applied technical parameters refinement. In one business, the baseline was revisited as one business activity was deemed not representative for the year.
  3. Avoided emissions 2024 status is cumulative for 2022-2024, where only the 2024 value of 65,611 kt CO2e has been assured for 2024.
  4. Where a baseline applies.
  5. Based on revenues from hardware-based products and solutions where granularity of financial systems allows. Service revenues are excluded.
  6. Against the ABB Circularity Framework KPIs.
  7. Waste from demolition and construction excluded from landfill; not including hazardous waste.
  8. 2019 baseline excludes the Power Grids business and the Turbocharging division.
  9. Current focus countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and Türkiye.
TargetsAssured 2024 statusBaseline (year)42023 status2024 status
Zero harm to our people and contractors –  we aim for a gradual reduction in lost time from incidents (LTIFR)0.24 (2019)80.130.15
Increase proportion of women in senior management roles to 25% by 203011.7% (2019) 21.0%21.3%
Achieve a top-tier employee engagement score71/100 (2019)77/10078/100
Expand programs for community engagement n.a.As part of the improvement process started in 2022, in 2023 we have assessed our community engagement positioning and revised and expanded the scope of action, now focused on education, emergency and disaster relief, community empowerment, and environment and conservation.In 2024, we released an internal guideline to formalize the company's community engagement strategy and provide direction on developing projects aligned with ABB's Sustainability Agenda & ABB's Four Focus Areas (4Es) of intervention.

Note: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are presented in metric kilotons (kt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) or metric megatons (mt), where 1 metric kiloton CO₂e equals 1000 metric tons CO₂e and 1 metric megaton CO₂e equals 1000 metric kilotons CO₂e.

Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024 status" column.


  1. Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions baseline value has been adjusted for portfolio changes.
  2. Scope 3 emissions baseline has been adjusted due to product portfolio and applied technical parameters refinement. In one business, the baseline was revisited as one business activity was deemed not representative for the year.
  3. Avoided emissions 2024 status is cumulative for 2022-2024, where only the 2024 value of 65,611 kt CO2e has been assured for 2024.
  4. Where a baseline applies.
  5. Based on revenues from hardware-based products and solutions where granularity of financial systems allows. Service revenues are excluded.
  6. Against the ABB Circularity Framework KPIs.
  7. Waste from demolition and construction excluded from landfill; not including hazardous waste.
  8. 2019 baseline excludes the Power Grids business and the Turbocharging division.
  9. Current focus countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and Türkiye.
TargetsAssured 2024 statusBaseline (year)42023 status2024 status
Global framework for assessing and mitigating third-party integrity risks through risk-based due diligence and life cycle monitoringn.a.This target measures the implementation of a global framework for assessing third-party integrity risks. It is an ongoing and critical organization-wide, integrity-based enhancement, which strengthens how we onboard and manage the life cycle of our relationships with suppliers, sales channels and customers.

Framework established and operational. Integrity due diligence and risk management enhancements for suppliers (buy-side) and sales channels (sell-side) launched globally.
Framework enhanced and implementation tested. Comprehensive monitoring and risk mitigation guidance developed. Focused on the governance of this framework to sustain its operation and risk management of legacy third party relationships, both in terms of suppliers and sales channels. Development of business specific plans to monitor and mitigate third party risks, with focus on resourcing for sustaining operation. 
Global Integrity Program underpinned by accountability for integrity and an adaptive risk management strategy gained from insights through targeted learnings, transparent reporting and monitoringn.a.

This target measures the implementation and effectiveness of our Global Integrity Program through how we drive individual accountability for integrity and adapt our risk management strategy to real-time data insights gained from integrity-based learnings, reporting and monitoring.


1. Trust KPI – the rate of severity level 1 and 2 investigations where the reporter disclosed their identity:

• Year 1 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021): 57% of reporters;

• Year 1 and 2 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022): 60% of reporters;

• Year 1, 2 and 3 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023): 60% of reporters.


2. Engagement KPI the volume of unique visitors to the Integrity Awareness Portal for integrity learnings:

• Year 1 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021): 25% of employees with online access;

• Year 1 and 2 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2022): 69% of employees with online access;

• Year 1, 2 and 3 (January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023): 80% of employees with online access.

Developed new antitrust foundation training and added new integrity training content to the integrity awareness portal. The Business Ethics Helpline and reporting capabilities have been enhanced with new case management software. Enhancements have also included the creation of a Risk Monitoring Dashboard to identify potential areas of heightened risk. (assured)


1. Trust KPI – the rate of severity level 1 and 2 investigations where the reporter disclosed their identity, as a measure of trust in the reporting system and integrity program:

• Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024): 55% of reporters.


2. Engagement KPI – the volume of unique visitors on the Integrity Awareness Portal for integrity learnings:

• Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024): 82% of employees with online access.

At least 80% of supply spending in focus countries9 covered by Sustainable Supply Base Management (SSBM) by 2030 n.a.Using a risk-based approach, a mid-term 2025 target has been set, focusing on high-risk suppliers in focus countries.9
At least 80% of spending on high-risk suppliers in focus countries9 covered by SSBM by 2025n.a.In 2023, we reached 42% of spending on high-risk suppliers in focus countries covered by SSBM.At the end of 2024, 68% of high-risk supply spending in focus countries was covered by the SSBM program.
Linking sustainability targets to executives’ variable pay
 Under the Annual Incentive Plan (AIP), a safety goal was included within the individual measure for some member of ABB’s Executive Committee (EC). The individual measure had a weighting of 20 percent of the executive’s target AIP (2019).Under the AIP, at least two sustainability-related performance goals are included within the individual measure for each member of ABB’s EC. The individual measure has a weighting of 20 percent of the executive’s target AIP.Under the AIP, in 2024, all members of the Executive Committee (EC) had three sustainability goals (out of a maximum of three) in the individual measure of their respective plans. The individual measure has a weighting of 20 percent of the executive’s target AIP award. In 2024, all EC members had an environmental goal referring to scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction. In addition, all EC members had a governance goal designed to help deliver ABB’s obligations under the Deferred Prosecution Agreement. Most EC members also had a social goal, which for the CEO and business area presidents related to safety, and for most corporate officers was an increase in the proportion of women in senior management roles (female leaders), while the CFO had a governance goal (related to internal controls).
Under the Long-Term Incentive Plan (LTIP), two performance measures with equal weighting of 50 percent were considered, namely average earnings per share and relative total shareholder return.  The LTIP was awarded to around 100 executives, including EC members and division presidents. Vesting under the LTIP was subject to the achievement of the plan specific targets over a period of three years (2019).One of the three performance measures under ABB’s LTIP is based on achievement of a corporate sustainability target and carries a weighting of 20 percent. The LTIP is awarded to around 100 executives, including EC members and division presidents. Vesting under the LTIP is subject to the achievement of the plan specific targets over a period of three years.Performance Share Units (PSU) under our LTIP are granted to around 100 executives, including EC members and division presidents. Vesting of the PSU grants is subject to the achievement of the plan’s specific targets over a period of three years. One of the three performance measures under the LTIP is based on the achievement of a corporate sustainability target and carries a weighting of 20 percent. For the 2024 LTIP, the sustainability performance measure was ABB scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions reduction at the end of the three-year performance period (2024–2026), compared to the 2019 baseline.

Note: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are presented in metric kilotons (kt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) or metric megatons (mt), where 1 metric kiloton CO₂e equals 1000 metric tons CO₂e and 1 metric megaton CO₂e equals 1000 metric kilotons CO₂e.

Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024 status" column.


  1. Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions baseline value has been adjusted for portfolio changes.
  2. Scope 3 emissions baseline has been adjusted due to product portfolio and applied technical parameters refinement. In one business, the baseline was revisited as one business activity was deemed not representative for the year.
  3. Avoided emissions 2024 status is cumulative for 2022-2024, where only the 2024 value of 65,611 kt CO2e has been assured for 2024.
  4. Where a baseline applies.
  5. Based on revenues from hardware-based products and solutions where granularity of financial systems allows. Service revenues are excluded.
  6. Against the ABB Circularity Framework KPIs.
  7. Waste from demolition and construction excluded from landfill; not including hazardous waste.
  8. 2019 baseline excludes the Power Grids business and the Turbocharging division.
  9. Current focus countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and Türkiye.




Our circularity approach focuses on preserving resources in every stage of the product lifecycle. We are working closely with customers, suppliers and partners to embed circularity throughout our entire value chain. Our target is to cover at least 80% of ABB's products and systems with our Circularity Approach by 2030. By the end of 2024, 41 percent of our product portfolio had been assessed against the guidelines of the Circularity Approach.

GRI ref.Indicator descriptionAssured 202420242023





Steel (incl. iron casting)

Plastics 158136

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided.

Materials used are presented in metric kilotons (kt).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024" column.


  1. Disclosure according to GRI 301: Materials 2016; voluntarily reported




To enable a low-carbon society, we are taking action across our value chain. With our technologies, we empower customers to avoid emissions and ramp up renewables and to cut our own greenhouse gas emissions, we follow targets that are aligned with the Net-Zero Standard of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In 2024, our leading electrification and automation technologies continued to reduce energy consumption and emissions in the largest emitting sectors, including power, industry, transport, and buildings and infrastructure.

ESRS ref.Indicator descriptionAssured 202420242023GRI1ISSB2
E1 E1-5 37 a Total energy consumption from fossil sources418467GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1 E1-5 38 c

fuel consumption from natural gas

E1 E1-5 38 b

fuel consumption from crude oil and petroleum products3

E1  E1-5 38 a

fuel consumption from coal and coal products

E1  E1-5 38 d

fuel consumption from other fossil sources

E1 E1-5 38 e 

consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, and cooling from fossil sources

E1 E1-5 37 cTotal energy consumption from renewable sources847830
E1 E1-5 37 c i 

fuel consumption from renewable sources including biomass (also comprising industrial and municipal waste of biologic origin), biofuels, biogas, hydrogen from renewable sources, etc.;4

E1 E1-5 37 c ii

consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, and cooling from renewable sources 

E1 E1-5 37 c iii

consumption of self-generated non-fuel renewable energy 

 Total energy consumption1,2921,297
Total non-renewable energy production 1316
Total renewable energy production 3929
Total energy production 5245

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

IFRS S2.29(a)(i)

Use of fuels






Transport by own fleet


Emissions from biofuels

 Total Scope 1 GHG emissions119128

District heat




District heat



 Total Scope 2 GHG emissions, market-based1923
 Total Scope 2 GHG emissions, location-based286295
 Total Scope 1+2 GHG emissions, market-based 138151
 Total Scope 1+2 GHG emissions, location-based 405423
E1 E1-6 AR43 cBiogenic CO2 emissions5 20.86GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsn.a.
1 Purchased goods and services6 12,17212,566
2 Capital goods6 8569
3 Fuel and energy-related activities (not included in Scope 1 or 2) 5565
4 Upstream transportation and distribution 617699
5 Waste generated in operations 1215
6 Business traveling 169154
7 Employee commuting 175175
8 Upstream leased assets --
9 Downstream transportation 4362
10 Processing of sold products --
11 Use of sold products7 381,372433,347
12 End-of-life treatment of sold products6 230261
13 Downstream leased assets 183
14 Franchises --
15 Investments6 29
Total Scope 3 GHG emissions394,952447,426
Total Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions (market-based)395,090447,577
Total Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions (location-based)395,357447,848
E1 E1-6 53SCOPE 1, 2 AND 3 GHG EMISSIONS INTENSITY (KT CO2e / MILLION $ OF SALES)GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-4 GHG emissions intensityn.a.
 ENERGY INTENSITY (MWH / MILLION $ OF SALES)GRI 302-3: Energy intensityn.a.
 Total energy intensity39.3240.26
E1 E1-3 29 bSCOPE 1 + 2 DECARBONIZATION LEVERSGRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
 RE100 status: Percentage of renewable electricity consumption of total electricity consumption (%) 95%94%
 EV100 status: Percentage of electric vehicles of total fleet of vehicles (%) 38%31%
 EP100 status: Improvement of energy productivity since 2019 (%) 69%66%
 Reduction of SF6 since 2019 (%) -92%-91%
ESRS ref.GHG emission categoryAssured 2024 statusAbsolute value of emissions in baseline year (2019)82024 status2024 reduction  compared to baseline yearGRI1ISSB2
Absolute valuePercentage
E1 E1-4 34 a + 34 bMARKET- AND LOCATION-BASED SCOPE 1 + 2 GHG EMISSIONS REDUCTION (KT CO2e)GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are presented in metric kilotons (kt) carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂e) or metric megatons (mt), where 1 metric kiloton CO₂e equals 1000 metric tons CO₂e and 1 metric megaton CO₂e equals 1000 metric kilotons CO₂e.

Energy consumption is presented in gigawatt hours (GWh), where 1 GWh equals 1000 megawatt hours (MWh).

The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024" and "Assured 2024 status" column.


  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
  3. Includes oil and diesel.
  4. Use of renewable biogas to substitute natural gas in several sites.
  5. In scope 1, we only consider methane and N2O emissions of biogenic emissions, following SBTi guidance, amounting to 2 tons of CO2e in 2024.
  6. Cat. 1, 2, 12 and 15 emissions were adjusted for prior years due to a refined calculation of inflation impact on spend-based emission factors.
  7. Cat. 11 emissions were adjusted for prior years as refined technical parameters have been applied. In one business, the 2022 baseline was revisited as business activity was deemed not representative for the year.
  8. Scope 1 + 2 GHG emissions baseline value has been adjusted for portfolio changes.
GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
Volatile organic compounds (VOC)370421
Emissions of NOX and SOX (tons SO2 and NO2)  

SOfrom burning coal


SOfrom burning oil and biofuels


NOfrom burning coal


NOfrom burning oil and biofuels


NOX from burning gas


Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided.

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx) and other significant air emissions are presented in metric tons (t).



Health and safety

Safety is the foremost standard by which we measure our performance. Our long-term success, reputation and standing as the preferred partner for our customers and other stakeholders depends on our ability to ensure the safety of our people and contractors. Our target is zero harm to our people and contractors and a gradual reduction in lost time from incidents.

Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)

ESRS ref.Indicator description20242023GRI1ISSB2
S1 S1-14 88 a The percentage of employees covered by ABB’s health and safety management100%n.a.3GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemn.a.
The percentage of non-employees covered by ABB’s health and safety management100%n.a.3
S1 S1-14 88 bEmployee number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries 2-

GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuries

GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-10 Work-related ill health

Non-employee number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries --
Other workers number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries -1
S1 S1-14 88 cEmployee number of work-related accidents 320n.a.3GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuriesn.a.
Non-employee number of work-related accidents 18n.a.3
Employee rate of work-related accidents 1.46n.a.3
Non-employee rate of work-related accidents 1.46n.a.3
S1 S1-14 88 dEmployee number of cases recordable work-related ill health  8n.a.3GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-10 Work-related ill healthn.a.
Non-employee number of cases recordable work-related ill health  -n.a.3
S1 S1-14 88 eEmployee number of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health 3,824n.a.3GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuriesn.a.
Non-employee number of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health 196n.a.3


  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
  3. Comparatives not shown unless already reported in the 2023 Sustainability report.
Indicator descriptionAssured 202420242023
Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)0.150.13

Note: The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024" column.

GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
Own workforce rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries1, 20.00170
Other workers number of work-related accidents2, 48767
Other workers rate of work-related accidents2, 30.4380.328
Other workers number of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health844886
Own workforce rate of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health2, 826.5023.78
Other workers rate of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health2, 81725.31
Combined number of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health5,2704,477
Combined rate of days lost to work-related injuries, accidents, ill health824.2924.07
Sustainability Observation Tours (SOT) conducted571,55068,723
SOT rate5,65.355.41
Hazards reported2269,643264,615
Hazards reporting rate72.332.32

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided.

Category of workers is aligned to ESRS terminology: own workforce = employees and non-employees, contractors = other workforce.


  1. Fatalities include deaths occurring within one year as a result of injuries sustained and commuting is excluded.
  2. Data covers incidents that happened at the workplace (ABB facility, customer site, project site) and incidents that occurred during business travel.
  3. Rates are per 100 employees or per 200,000 contractor hours worked. Own workforce in the rates is defined as persons who are permanent or temporary employees, working full time or part time, in the employment of an ABB Group Company (ABBGC).
    Persons hired via work agencies where ABB provides supervision, defines work to be done, and provides training are also included in this category.
  4. Recordable incidents include fatal incidents, lost time incidents, serious injury incidents, medical treatment injuries, occupational diseases and restricted work-day cases.
  5. SOTs are typically conducted by all line managers at all levels.
  6. Rate per manager.
  7. Rate is calculated per employee.
  8. Rate of days lost is calculated as number of days lost divided by the number of incidents.



Human rights and labor standards

We are committed to respecting the dignity and human rights of all people. Our goal is for human rights to be well understood and managed along our entire value chain and integrated into ABB's daily business. In 2024, we continued our work to strengthen our human rights due diligence across ABB’s entire value chain.

Indicator description20242023
Human rights self-assessments at selected ABB sitesIn operations, we have published the new Human Rights Requirements and ACOP (Approved Code of Practice) to enhance human rights due diligence in ABB operations. This initiative will be followed up by a new wave of site assessments to ensure execution of defined requirements.In total, 78 sites in 39 countries undertook the assessments in 2023, for a total of 186 assessments in 47 countries in the period 2021–2023.

Training sessions on human rights awareness to employees and managers 7,3131,006

Number of hours of instructor-led human rights training delivered to ABB personnel

Collective bargaining agreements

Approximately 45 percent of ABB’s employees worldwide are covered by collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), either by collective labor agreements at the industry level (generally with unions) or at the company or location level (generally with employee representative bodies such as works councils or unions). Approximately 34 percent of employees are covered by internal employee representatives. In addition, the European Works Council represents more than 50,000 ABB employees, covering the majority of employees in countries belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA), UK or Switzerland.


For employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, there are different scenarios regarding the determination of working conditions. In many countries where not all employees are represented by the CBA, the conditions in the CBA that go beyond local labor market practices are considered in determining working conditions and terms. Regardless of the application of a CBA, ABB in general aims to offer working conditions that meet or exceed the typical standards in the respective local employment markets.

The majority of ABB’s employees worldwide are covered by collective bargaining agreements (CBAs), either by collective labor agreements on industry level (generally with unions) or on company or location level (generally with employee representative bodies such as works councils or unions). Approximately 55 percent of employees are covered by internal employee representatives, and approximately 27 percent are estimated to be members of one or more of 90 trade unions around the world. In addition, the European Works Council represents more than 48,000 ABB employees, covering the majority of employees in countries belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA), UK or Switzerland.


For employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, there are different scenarios regarding the determination of working conditions. In many countries where not all employees are represented by the CBA, among other factors the conditions in the CBA that go beyond local labor market practices are considered in determining working conditions and terms. Regardless of the application of a CBA, ABB in general aims to offer working conditions that at least meet or even exceed the typical standards in the respective local employment markets.




Integrity and transparency define how we do business. They are the foundation of our Sustainability Agenda and underpin our value creation. We recognize the importance of doing business ethically and maintaining ethical business relationships. In 2024, we built upon the actions we took in 2023, with a focus on embedding integrity processes within each of our business areas.

ESRS ref.Indicator description2024GRI1ISSB2
S1 S1-17 103 aNUMBER OF REPORTED INCIDENTS OF DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENTGRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016: 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective action takenn.a.
Discrimination and harrassment incidents reported515


  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
Total number of incidents of discrimination1142171
Total number of incidents of harassment4012721
Financial and in-kind political contributions00


  1. 2023 data presented relates to reported incidents categorized as “Discrimination”, “Sexual Harassment” or “Harassment/Bullying” per our reported incident categorization structure in place in 2023, that were logged as meeting substantiation thresholds in place in 2023.
  2. 2024 data presented relates to reported incidents categorized as “Discrimination”, “Sexual Harassment” or “Harassment/Bullying” per our reported incident categorization structure in place in 2024, without regards to levels of substantiation.
    These reported incident categorizations were designed to capture the broad range of incidents that personnel may raise related to discrimination, harassment, and bullying, and as such they may capture a broader range of incidents than discrimination and harassment based on protected characteristics set out in our Code.
    ABB is considering potential refinements to its reported incident categorizations to facilitate more precise reporting of ABB's incidents in future reporting periods.



Responsible sourcing

We are committed to sourcing responsibly and will only work with suppliers that share our commitment to integrity, sustainability and human rights and have agreed to the requirements set out in the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Indicator description20242023
Suppliers assessed on-site 156118
High-risk supply spend in focus countries1 was covered by SSBM 68%42%
Risk closure rate87%88%
Contracts terminated 127
Employees trained on responsible sourcing (SSBM)2318959
Supplier teams trained on responsible sourcing 79195


  1. Current focus countries are Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and Türkiye.
  2. Divided over different training programs



People, diversity and inclusion

We take pride in the diversity of our workforce and seek to create an inclusive culture in which people feel empowered to share their ideas and perspectives. We believe in diversity across all dimensions and that our differences make us stronger. That is why progress in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is embedded in our long-term objectives.

Women in senior management

ESRS ref.Indicator description20242023GRI1ISSB2

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Headcount by region
The Americas27,21026,437
Asia, Middle East and Africa31,96231,282
Headcount by gender  
Not reported1n.a.3
Total employees112,769110,442
S1 S1-6 50 c TURNOVER RATEGRI 401: Employment 2016: 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnovern.a.
Total number of employees who left during the reporting period15,538n.a.3
Rate of employee turnover during the reporting period14%15%
 Composition of governance bodies  
 Board of Directors  
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 a Number of executive members--GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
Number of non-executive members1010
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 d Women in Board (percentage)30%30%GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016:  405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
 Men in Board (percentage)70%70%
 Age group diversity (percentage)  

40-49 years old


50-59 years old


>60 years old

ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 e Percentage of independent board members100%100%GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
 Executive Committee  
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 a Number of executive members98GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
 Number of non-executive members--
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 d Women in Executive Committee (percentage)22%25%GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016:  405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
 Men in Executive Committee (percentage)78%75%
 Age group diversity total (percentage)

40-49 years old


50-59 years old


>60 years old

S1 S1-9 66 a GENDER (TOP MANAGEMENT)GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
 Male410 (78.7%)79%3
 Female111 (21.3%)21%3
S1 S1-9 66 bAGE (ALL EMPLOYEES)GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
 Under 3020%n.a.3

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

 CountryNumber of employees (headcount)Average number of employees 




  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
  3. Comparatives not shown unless already reported in the 2023 Sustainability report.
GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
The Americas26,97926,184
Asia, Middle East and Africa30,15529,618
Total number of permanent employees106,390104,026
The Americas271253
Asia, Middle East and Africa1,8121,664
Total number of temporary employees6,3796,416
The Americas26,99125,858
Asia, Middle East and Africa31,93531,155
Total number of full-time employees107,739104,850
The Americas259579
Asia, Middle East and Africa32127
Total number of part-time employees5,0295,592
Europe6,815 (13%)6,852 (13%)
The Americas4,687 (17%)5,107 (19%)
Asia, Middle East and Africa3,979 (12%)4,472 (14%)
Female4,743 (15%)4,817 (16%)
Male10,754 (13%)11,614 (15%)
Total employee turnover: ABB Group15,538 (14%)16,431 (15%)
Europe6,191 (12%)7,909 (15%)
The Americas3,608 (13%)6,543 (25%)
Asia, Middle East and Africa4,702 (15%)5,783 (18%)
Female 4,640 (15%)6,047 (20%)
Male9,861 (12%)14,188 (18%)
Total employee hires: ABB Group14,501 (13%)20,235 (18%)
Top and senior managers15.3411.2
Middle and lower managers16.7215.1
Other employees7.265.7
Total workforce8.426.8
Top and senior managers99%100%
Middle and lower managers100%99%
Other employees97%98%
Total workforce98%97%
Number of nationalities98
Number of nationalities76
Women in senior and middle management21.3%23%
Men in senior and middle management78.7%77%
Women in total workforce28%27%
Men in total workforce72%73%
Female employees by age (ABB employees)

<30 years old


30-50 years old


>50 years old

Male employees by age (ABB employees)

<30 years old


30-50 years old


>50 years old


Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided.


  1. Turnover rate calculated as number of ABB employees (full- and part-time) leaving during the year/total number of ABB employees (full- and part-time) as at December 31. For the purpose of this calculation, employees who leave the organization voluntarily or involuntarily whether due to dismissal, retirement, end of fixed-term contract or death in service or any other reason, are included. However, involuntary turnover arising out of divestments is excluded from the definition.
  2. Scope includes centrally managed tools such as My learning, Harvard Spark, Harvard Manager Mentor, LinkedIn Learning. It covers both leadership and functional/technical learnings. Data are based on the extractions from the respective tools for internal employees (office workers and factory ones).
  3. Top and senior managers are defined as employees in Hay grade 1-7, including Division President. Middle and lower managers: Other line managers; Other employees: Individual contributors not considered as managers.
  4. Rate is calculated per employee.
  5. The calculation of performance review data is based on the population included in the global people performance management system (HR Group Tools). 100% of top and senior managers, as well as middle and low managers, are covered in the HR Group Tools system, along with 61% of other employees. This is the only centralized reporting of performance management data that can be quantified and verified, and it represents the eligible population.
  6. To ensure consistency, the 2023 gender data has been restated to align with the eligible population used across all categories in the 2023/2024 cycle.




ABB monitors the potential negative impact of our business activities on biodiversity, for example through pollution of air, water and soil. We aim to help protect the environment by reducing waste through our products and services, which in turn lowers environmental impacts such as air and water pollution. We have established a Waste, Water & Biodiversity Working Group that will ensure best practices sharing and the update and implementation of relevant mandatory procedures.

GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
Number of ABB sites located in, or bordering to, a protected area8313


  1. In 2023, sites responding "yes" to this question in yearly environmental questionnaire. In 2024, comprehensive assessment of sites located within one kilometer from protected areas of high biodiversity value.




We have waste reduction programs at our sites throughout the world. The zero-waste-to-landfill target is now included in ABB’s Long-term Planning Process, meaning all divisions have made plans and identified interim milestones to achieve this target in 2030.

Non-hazardous waste to landfill

ESRS ref.Indicator description20242023GRI1ISSB2
E5 E5-5 37 aTotal amount of waste generated (t)177,465166,926GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-3 Waste generatedn.a.
E5 E5-5 39 Total amount of hazardous waste (t)6,2015,321GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-3 Waste generatedn.a.
E5 E5-5 37 b Total amount of non-hazardous waste diverted from disposal (t)142,431141,141GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-4 Waste diverted from disposaln.a.
E5 E5-5 37 c Total amount of non-hazardous waste directed to disposal (t)28,83420,465GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-5 Waste directed to disposaln.a.
Landfill and other disposal operations319,81610,853
E5 E5-5 37 d Total amount of non-recycled waste, hazardous and non-hazardous (t)31,32623,656n.a.n.a.
Percentage of non-recycled waste 18%14%

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add to the totals provided. 

Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).


  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
  3. Includes extraordinary effect from construction projects.
SASB ref.Indicator description20242023
RT-EE-150a.1Percentage of recycled hazardous waste generated60%140%


  1. Increase due to warehouse clean-ups in several sites for electronics.
GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
Oil spills11
Chemical spills00
Emissions to air01
Total number of significant spills11
Non-hazardous waste recycled142141

Scrap metal recycled


Other non-hazardous waste recycled

Hazardous waste recycled23.72.1
Non-hazardous waste sent for disposal3120

Waste from construction and demolition 

Hazardous waste sent for disposal22.53.2

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented in the GRI table may not add to the totals provided.
Waste is presented in metric tons (t) and metric kilotons (kt).


  1. An environmental incident is regarded as significant if at least one of the following criteria applies to the incident: obligation to inform local authorities or a governmental agency about the incident and/or regulatory violation; inspection by an environmental agency results in a formal complaint; environmental Notice of Violation, a Consent Order or a Potential Responsible Party (PRP) notification; imposition of a penalty or fine; significant impact on an ecosystem; costs related to the incident exceed, or may exceed, $10,000.
  2. Hazardous waste as classified in the country where it is generated.




We collaborate with our stakeholders to safeguard natural resources. One example is by reducing waste and water use in water risk areas. In 2024, we conducted our annual assessment of water stress using the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) global water risk tool.

ESRS ref.Indicator description2024GRI1ISSB2
E3 E3-4 28 bTotal water consumption in areas at water risk, including areas of high-water stress 283,123GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-5 Water consumptionn.a.
E5 E5-5 39 Percentage of water withdrawn based on direct measurement100%GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-5 Water consumptionn.a.
Percentage of water discharged based on direct measurement2%


  1. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differ from those required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that ESRS definitions and breakdowns are applied in cases where the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differ from those required by ESRS.
GRI ref.Indicator description20242023
303-3WATER WITHDRAWAL (1,000 M3)
Purchased from water companies1,7541,865
Groundwater extracted by ABB668656
Surface water extracted by ABB6.06.5
Collection of rainwater7.26.0
Waste water from external source9.712
Water withdrawal from areas of water stress9851,242
Total water withdrawal2,4452,545
303-4WATER DISCHARGE (1,000 M3)
Public sewer1,4671,561

treated (percentage)


untreated (percentage)


treated (percentage)


untreated (percentage)

Hazardous treatment company2739

treated (percentage)


untreated (percentage)

External use00

treated (percentage)


untreated (percentage)

Total water consumption from all areas482496
Total water consumption from all areas with water stress283290
Volume of water reused and recycled1,471990
As percentage of total water withdrawal (%)60%39%

Note: Due to rounding, numbers presented in the GRI table may not add to the totals provided.



ESRS Content Index 2024

ESRS Content Index, including GRI and ISSB interoperability
ESRS referenceRelated ARNameLocationGRI1ISSB2
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 a


Basis for preparation of sustainability statement2GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-2: Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 b i Scope of consolidation of consolidated sustainability statement is same as for financial statements2GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-2: Entities included in the organization’s sustainability reporting n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 b ii Indication of subsidiary undertakings included in consolidation that are exempted from individual or consolidated sustainability reporting 2n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 cAR 1Disclosure of extent to which sustainability statement covers upstream and downstream value chain 2n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 d Option to omit specific piece of information corresponding to intellectual property, know-how or results of innovation has been used2n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-1 5 e Option allowed by Member State to omit disclosure of impending developments or matters in course of negotiation has been used2n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 9 a Disclosure of definitions of medium- or long-term time horizons 3n.a.IFRS S2.10(d)4
ESRS 2 BP-2 9 b Disclosure of reasons for applying different definitions of time horizons 3n.a.IFRS S2.10(d)4
ESRS 2 BP-2 10 a Disclosure of metrics that include value chain data estimated using indirect sources 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 10 b Description of basis for preparation of metrics that include value chain data estimated using indirect sources 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 10 c Description of resulting level of accuracy of metrics that include value chain data estimated using indirect sources 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 10 d Description of planned actions to improve accuracy in future of metrics that include value chain data estimated using indirect sources 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 11 a Disclosure of quantitative metrics and monetary amounts disclosed that are subject to high level of measurement uncertainty 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 11 b i Disclosure of sources of measurement uncertainty 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 11 b ii Disclosure of assumptions, approximations and judgements made in measurement 3n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 13 a Explanation of changes in preparation and presentation of sustainability information and reasons for them 3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 13 b Adjustment of comparative information for one or more prior periods is impracticable3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 13 b, 13 c Disclosure of difference between figures disclosed in preceding period and revised comparative figures 3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 14 a Disclosure of nature of prior period material errors 3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 14 b Disclosure of corrections for prior periods included in sustainability statement 3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 14 c Disclosure of why correction of prior period errors is not practicable 3GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-4 Restatements of informationn.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 15 Disclosure of other legislation or generally accepted sustainability reporting standards and frameworks based on which information has been included in sustainability statement 4n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 15 Disclosure of reference to paragraphs of standard or framework applied 4n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 BP-2 16 List of DRs or DPs incorporated by reference4n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 a Number of executive members6n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 a Number of non-executive members6GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 b Information about representation of employees and other workers 6GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 cAR 5Information about member's experience relevant to sectors, products and geographic locations of undertaking 6-7GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 d Percentage of members of administrative, management and supervisory bodies by gender and other aspects of diversity6GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016:  405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 d  Board's gender diversity ratio6GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2016:  405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 21 e Percentage of independent board members6GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 a Information about identity of administrative, management and supervisory bodies or individual(s) within body responsible for oversight of impacts, risks and opportunities 5GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionIFRS S2.6(a)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 bAR 3Disclosure of how body's or individuals within body responsibilities for impacts, risks and opportunities are reflected in undertaking's terms of reference, board mandates and other related policies 5GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingIFRS S2.6(a)(i)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 cAR 4Description of management's role in governance processes, controls and procedures used to monitor, manage and oversee impacts, risks and opportunities 5GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsIFRS S2.6(b)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 c i Description of how oversight is exercised over management-level position or committee to which management's role is delegated to 5

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

IFRS S2.6(b)(i)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 c ii Information about reporting lines to administrative, management and supervisory bodies 5

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 c iii Disclosure of how dedicated controls and procedures are integrated with other internal functions 5GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts IFRS S2.6(b)(ii)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 22 d Disclosure of how administrative, management and supervisory bodies and senior executive management oversee setting of targets related to material impacts, risks and opportunities and how progress towards them is monitored 5n.a.IFRS S2.6(a)(v)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 23AR 5Disclosure of how administrative, management and supervisory bodies determine whether appropriate skills and expertise are available or will be developed to oversee sustainability matters 7

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and composition

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

IFRS S2.6(a)(ii)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 23 a Information about sustainability-related expertise that bodies either directly possess or can leverage 7


GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

IFRS S2.6(a)(ii)
ESRS 2 GOV-1 23 b Disclosure of how sustainability-related skills and expertise relate to material impacts, risks and opportunities7


GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body

IFRS S2.6(a)(ii)
ESRS 2 GOV-2 26 a Disclosure of whether, by whom and how frequently administrative, management and supervisory bodies are informed about material impacts, risks and opportunities, implementation of due diligence, and results and effectiveness of policies, actions, metrics and targets adopted to address them8

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-16 Communication of critical concerns

IFRS S2.6(a)(iii)
ESRS 2 GOV-2 26 b Disclosure of how administrative, management and supervisory bodies consider impacts, risks and opportunities when overseeing strategy, decisions on major transactions and risk management process8

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts 

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-24 Embedding policy commitments

IFRS S2.6(a)(iv)
ESRS 2 GOV-2 26 c Disclosure of list of material impacts, risks and opportunities addressed by administrative, management and supervisory bodies or their relevant committees8n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-3 29AR 7Incentive schemes and remuneration policies linked to sustainability matters for members of administrative, management and supervisory bodies exist8-9n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-3 29 a Description of key characteristics of incentive schemes 8-9GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-19 Remuneration policiesn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-3 29 b Description of specific sustainability-related targets and (or) impacts used to assess performance of members of administrative, management and supervisory bodies 8-9GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-19 Remuneration policies

IFRS S1.21(b)

IFRS S2.29(g)(i)

ESRS 2 GOV-3 29 c Disclosure of how sustainability-related performance metrics are considered as performance benchmarks or included in remuneration policies 8-9GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-19 Remuneration policiesIFRS S1.21(b)
ESRS 2 GOV-3 29 d Percentage of variable remuneration dependent on sustainability-related targets and (or) impacts9n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-3 29 e Description of level in undertaking at which terms of incentive schemes are approved and updated 9GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-20 Process to determine remunerationn.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-4 30; 32AR 8 - AR 10Disclosure of mapping of information provided in sustainability statement about due diligence process10-11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-5 36 aAR 11Description of scope, main features and components of risk management and internal control processes and systems in relation to sustainability reporting11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-5 36 bAR 11Description of risk assessment approach followed 11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-5 36 cAR 11Description of main risks identified and their mitigation strategies 11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-5 36 dAR 11

Description of how findings of risk assessment and internal controls as regards sustainability reporting process have been integrated into relevant internal functions and processes 11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 GOV-5 36 eAR 11Description of periodic reporting of findings of risk assessment and internal controls to administrative, management and supervisory bodies 11n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-1 40 a iiiAR 12-13Total number of employees (head count)65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employeesn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-1 40 a iii  AR 12-13Number of employees (head count)65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employeesn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 aAR 16Description of stakeholder engagement12–14n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 a iAR 16Description of key stakeholders12–14GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 a iiAR 16Description of categories of stakeholders for which engagement occurs12–14GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 a iiiAR 16Description of how stakeholder engagement is organized12–14GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 a ivAR 16Description of purpose of stakeholder engagement12–14GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 a vAR 16Description of how outcome of stakeholder engagement is taken into account14n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 bAR 16Description of understanding of interests and views of key stakeholders as they relate to undertaking's strategy and business model12–14n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-2 45 d Description of how administrative, management and supervisory bodies are informed about views and interests of affected stakeholders with regard to sustainability-related impacts 14GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-3 48 aAR 17-18Description of material impacts resulting from materiality assessment14–16GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-2 List of material topicsn.a.
ESRS 2 SBM-3 48 aAR 17-18Description of material risks and opportunities resulting from materiality assessment 14–16GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-2 List of material topics

IFRS S2.10(a)

IFRS S2.13(b)

ESRS 2 SBM-3 48 bAR 18Disclosure of current and anticipated effects of material impacts, risks and opportunities on business model, value chain, strategy and decision-making, and how undertaking has responded or plans to respond to these effects16n.a.

IFRS S2.10(a)

IFRS S2.13(b)

ESRS 2 SBM-3 48 c ivAR 18Description of nature of activities or business relationships through which undertaking is involved with material impacts 16GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: Management of material topicsn.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 a Description of methodologies and assumptions applied in process to identify impacts, risks and opportunities 16–18n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 b Description of process to identify, assess, prioritize and monitor potential and actual impacts on people and environment, informed by due diligence process 16n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 b i Description of how process focuses on specific activities, business relationships, geographies or other factors that give rise to heightened risk of adverse impacts 16n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 b ii Description of how process considers impacts with which undertaking is involved through own operations or as result of business relationships 16GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-1 Process to determine material topicsn.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 b iii Description of how process includes consultation with affected stakeholders to understand how they may be impacted and with external experts 16GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-1 Process to determine material topicsn.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 b iv Description of how process prioritizes negative impacts based on their relative severity and likelihood and positive impacts based on their relative scale, scope and likelihood and determines which sustainability matters are material for reporting purposes 17GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-1 Process to determine material topicsn.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 c Description of process used to identify, assess, prioritize and monitor risks and opportunities that have or may have financial effects 17n.a.

IFRS S2.25(a)(v)

IFRS S2.25(b)

ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 c i Description of how connections of impacts and dependencies with risks and opportunities that may arise from those impacts and dependencies have been considered 17n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 c ii Description of how likelihood, magnitude, and nature of effects of identified risks and opportunities have been assessed 17n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)(iii)
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 c iii Description of how sustainability-related risks relative to other types of risks have been prioritized 17n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)(iv)
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 d Description of decision-making process and related internal control procedures 17GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingn.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 e Description of extent to which and how process to identify, assess and manage impacts and risks is integrated into overall risk management process and used to evaluate overall risk profile and risk management processes 17n.a.

IFRS S2.25(a)(v)

IFRS S2.25(c) 

ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 f Description of extent to which and how process to identify, assess and manage opportunities is integrated into overall management process 17n.a.IFRS S2.25(c) 
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 g Description of input parameters used in process to identify, assess and manage material impacts, risks and opportunities 16n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)(i)
ESRS 2 IRO-1 53 h Description of how process to identify, assess and manage impacts, risks and opportunities has changed compared to prior reporting period 17n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)(vi)
ESRS 2 IRO-2 56 Disclosure of list of data points that derive from other EU legislation and information on their location in sustainability statement 19n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-2 56AR 19Disclosure of list of ESRS Disclosure Requirements complied with in preparing sustainability statement following outcome of materiality assessment 19n.a.n.a.
ESRS 2 IRO-2 59 Explanation of how material information to be disclosed in relation to material impacts, risks and opportunities has been determined 19n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-1  17 Date of adoption of transition plan for undertakings not having adopted transition plan yet24-25n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.SBM-3  18 Type of climate-related risk25-26GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016: 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate changeIFRS S2.10(b)
E1  E1.IRO-1  20 a, AR 9AR 10Description of process in relation to impacts on climate change 26n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)
E1  E1.IRO-1  20 bAR 13-AR 14Description of process in relation to climate-related physical risks in own operations and along value chain 27n.a.IFRS S2.25(a)
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 aE1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 aClimate-related hazards have been identified over short-, medium- and long-term time horizons27n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 aAR 13-AR 14Undertaking has screened whether assets and business activities may be exposed to climate-related hazards27n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 bAR 13-AR 14Short-, medium- and long-term time horizons have been defined27n.a.IFRS S2.10(d)4
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 cAR 13-AR 14Extent to which assets and business activities may be exposed and are sensitive to identified climate-related hazards has been assessed27n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 11 dAR 13-AR 14Identification of climate-related hazards and assessment of exposure and sensitivity are informed by high emissions climate scenarios27n.a.IFRS S2.22(b)(i)
E1  E1.IRO-1  21AR 13-AR 14Explanation of how climate-related scenario analysis has been used to inform identification and assessment of physical risks over short, medium and long-term 27n.a.

IFRS S2.22(b)(i)

IFRS S2.25(a)(ii)

E1  E1.IRO-1  20 cAR 13-AR 14Description of process in relation to climate-related transition risks and opportunities in own operations and along value chain 28n.a.IFRS S2.25(b)
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 12 aAR 13-AR 14Transition events have been identified over short-, medium- and long-term time horizons28n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 12 aAR 13-AR 14Undertaking has screened whether assets and business activities may be exposed to transition events28n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 12 bAR 13-AR 14Extent to which assets and business activities may be exposed and are sensitive to identified transition events has been assessed28n.a.n.a.
E1  E1.IRO-1  AR 12 cAR 13-AR 14Identification of transition events and assessment of exposure has been informed by climate-related scenario analysis29n.a. 
E1  E1.IRO-1  21AR 13-AR 14Explanation of how climate-related scenario analysis has been used to inform identification and assessment of transition risks and opportunities over short, medium and long-term 29n.a. 
E1  E1-2 25AR 16-AR18Sustainability matters addressed by policy for climate change29-30GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: GRI 3-3: Management of material topics 
E1  E1-3  29 a Decarbonization lever type32n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-3 29 b Achieved GHG emission reductions32GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-3 29 b Expected GHG emission reductions32n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  33AR 27-AR 29Disclosure of whether and how GHG emissions reduction targets and (or) any other targets have been set to manage material climate-related impacts, risks and opportunities 30GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: GRI 3-3: Management of material topicsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Absolute value of total Greenhouse gas emissions reduction30-31GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Percentage of total Greenhouse gas emissions reduction (as of emissions of base year)30-31n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Absolute value of Scope 1 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction30-31GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Percentage of Scope 1 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction (as of emissions of base year)30-31n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Absolute value of location-based Scope 2 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction30-31GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Percentage of location-based Scope 2 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction (as of emissions of base year)30-31n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Absolute value of market-based Scope 2 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction30-31GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Percentage of market-based Scope 2 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction (as of emissions of base year)30-31n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Absolute value of Scope 3 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction30-31GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5: Reduction of emissionsn.a.
E1  E1-4  34 a + 34 b Percentage of Scope 3 Greenhouse gas emissions reduction (as of emissions of base year)30-31n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  34 b Explanation of how consistency of GHG emission reduction targets with GHG inventory boundaries has been ensured31

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topics

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

IFRS S2.36(a)

IFRS S2.36(b)

E1  E1-4  AR 25 a Description of how it has been ensured that baseline value is representative in terms of activities covered and influences from external factors32n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-4  AR 25 b Description of how new baseline value affects new target, its achievement and presentation of progress over time 32

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

E1  E1-4 34 e, 16 aAR 26GHG emission reduction target is science based and compatible with limiting global warming to one and half degrees Celsius30GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: GRI 3-3 Management of material topics

IFRS S2.34(a)

IFRS S2.36(d)

E1  E1-4  34 f, 16 bAR 30Description of expected decarbonization levers and their overall quantitative contributions to achieve GHG emission reduction target 32n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-5 37 aAR 33, AR 32Total energy consumption from fossil sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 37 c Total energy consumption from renewable sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 37 c i Fuel consumption from renewable sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 37 c ii Consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, and cooling from renewable sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 37 c iii Consumption of self-generated non-fuel renewable energy33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 38 aAR 33Fuel consumption from coal and coal products33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 38 bAR 33Fuel consumption from crude oil and petroleum products33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 38 cAR 33Fuel consumption from natural gas33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 38 dAR 33Fuel consumption from other fossil sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 38 eAR 33Consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, or cooling from fossil sources33GRI 302: Energy 2016: 302-1: Energy consumption within the organisationn.a.
E1  E1-5 39 Non-renewable energy production33n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-5 39 Renewable energy production33n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-6 44AR 39Gross scopes 1, 2, 3 and total GHG emissions - GHG emissions per scope [table]33–34

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

IFRS S2.29(a)(i)
E1  E1-6  AR 46 d Gross scopes 1, 2, 3 and total GHG emissions - Scope 3 GHG emissions (GHG Protocol) [table]35–37n.a.n.a.
E1 E1-6 47 Disclosure of significant changes in definition of what constitutes reporting undertaking and its value chain and explanation of their effect on year-to-year comparability of reported GHG emissions34n.a.IFRS S2.29(a)(iii)$
E1 E1-6 AR 39 b Disclosure of methodologies, significant assumptions and emissions factors used to calculate or measure GHG emissions 35–37

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions

IFRS S2.B38-B57

IFRS S2.29(a)(iii)

E1 E1-6 AR 42 c Disclosure of the effects of significant events and changes in circumstances (relevant to its GHG emissions) that occur between the reporting dates of the entities in its value chain and the date of the undertaking’s general purpose financial statements37n.a.IFRS S2.B19
E1 E1-6  AR 43 c biogenic emissions of CO2 from the combustion or bio-degradation of biomass not included in scope 1 GHG emissions35GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsn.a.
E1 E1-6  AR 45 d Disclosure of types of contractual instruments used for sale and purchase of energy bundled with attributes about energy generation or for unbundled energy attribute claims 35

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions

GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

E1 E1-6 AR 46 g Percentage of GHG scope 3 calculated using primary data 37n.a.n.a.
E1 E1-6 AR 46 i Disclosure of why scope 3 GHG emissions category has been excluded 37GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissionsn.a.
E1 E1-6 AR 46 i List of scope 3 GHG emissions categories included in inventory37GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissionsIFRS S2.B32
E1 E1-6 AR 46 h Disclosure of reporting boundaries considered and calculation methods for estimating scope 3 GHG emissions37n.a.n.a.
E1  E1-6  53AR 53GHG emissions intensity, location-based (total GHG emissions per net revenue)34GRI 305: Emissions 2016: 305-4 GHG emissions intensityn.a.
E1  E1-9  AR 69 b Disclosure of whether and how assessment of assets and business activities considered to be at material physical risk relies on or is part of process to determine material physical risk and to determine climate scenarios 37–38n.a.n.a.
E3 E3.IRO-1 8 aAR 1- AR 15Disclosure of whether and how assets and activities have been screened in order to identify actual and potential water and marine resources-related impacts, risks and opportunities in own operations and upstream and downstream value chain and methodologies, assumptions and tools used in screening [text block]43GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resourcen.a.
E3 E3-1 12a

AR 16 - 

AR 18

Disclosure of whether and how policy addresses water management 43–44n.a.n.a.
E3 E3-1 12a i

AR 16 - 

AR 18

Disclosure of whether and how policy addresses the use and sourcing of water and marine resources in own operations 43–44n.a.n.a.
E3 E3-1 12 c

AR 16 - 

AR 18

Disclosure of whether and how policy addresses commitment to reduce material water consumption in areas at water risk 43–44n.a.n.a.
E3 E3-4 28 bAR 28Total water consumption in areas at water risk, including areas of high-water stress44GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-5 Water consumptionn.a.
E3 E3-4 28 eAR 29Disclosure of contextual information regarding water consumption44GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-5 Water consumptionn.a.
E3 E3-4 28 eAR 29Share of the measure obtained from direct measurement, from sampling and extrapolation, or from best estimates44GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018: 303-5 Water consumptionn.a.
E5 E5-1 15a Disclosure of whether and how policy addresses transitioning away from use of virgin resources, including relative increases in use of secondary (recycled) resources40n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-1 15b Disclosure of whether and how policy addresses sustainable sourcing and use of renewable resources40n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-3 24AR 16Disclosure of how target relates to resources (resource use and circular economy) 41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-3 24 b Disclosure of how target relates to increase of circular material use rate 41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-3 24 cAR 17Disclosure of how target relates to minimization of primary raw material 41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-3 24 e Target relates to waste management41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-3 24 e Disclosure of how target relates to waste management 41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-5 37 a Total waste generated41GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-3 Waste generatedn.a.
E5 E5-5 37 bAR 31Waste diverted from disposal, breakdown by hazardous and non-hazardous waste and treatment type41GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-4 Waste diverted from disposaln.a.
E5 E5-5 37 cAR 32Waste directed to disposal, breakdown by hazardous and non-hazardous waste and treatment type41GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-4 Waste diverted from disposaln.a.
E5 E5-5 37 d Non-recycled waste41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-5 37 d Percentage of non-recycled waste41n.a.n.a.
E5 E5-5 39 Total amount of hazardous waste41GRI 306: Waste 2020: 306-3 Waste generatedn.a.
S1 S1.SBM-3 14AR 6 - AR7All people in its own workforce who can be materially impacted by undertaking are included in scope of disclosure under ESRS 257n.a.n.a.
S1 S1.SBM-3 14 b Material negative impacts occurrence (own workforce)58n.a.n.a.
S1 S1.SBM-3 14 c Description of activities that result in positive impacts and types of employees and non-employees in its own workforce that are positively affected or could be positively affected 57n.a.n.a.
S1 S1.SBM-3 15AR 8Disclosure of whether and how understanding of people in its own workforce with particular characteristics, working in particular contexts, or undertaking particular activities may be at greater risk of harm has been developed 63–64n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-1 20 Description of relevant human rights policy commitments relevant to own workforce59GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitmentsn.a.
S1 S1-1 20a Disclosure of general approach in relation to respect for human rights including labor rights, of people in its own workforce59GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitmentsn.a.
S1 S1-1 20b Disclosure of general approach in relation to engagement with people in its own workforce59GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
S1 S1-1 20c Disclosure of general approach in relation to measures to provide and (or) enable remedy for human rights impacts 59GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S1 S1-1 21AR 12Disclosure of whether and how policies are aligned with relevant internationally recognized instruments 59GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitmentsn.a.
S1 S1-1 23 Workplace accident prevention policy or management system is in place59GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-1 Occupational health and safety management systemn.a.
S1 S1-1 24a Specific policies aimed at elimination of discrimination are in place60GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S1 S1-1 24bAR 15 - AR 16 Grounds for discrimination are specifically covered in policy60n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-1 24c Disclosure of specific policy commitments related to inclusion and (or) positive action for people from groups at particular risk of vulnerability in own workforce 60GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitmentsn.a.
S1 S1-2 28 Disclosure of steps taken to gain insight into perspectives of people in its own workforce that may be particularly vulnerable to impacts and (or) marginalized 60-62GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementn.a.
S1 S1-3 32 bAR 28Disclosure of specific channels in place for its own workforce to raise concerns or needs directly with undertaking and have them addressed 62

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

S1 S1-3 32 c Grievance or complaints handling mechanisms related to employee matters exist62n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-3 32 d Disclosure of processes through which undertaking supports or requires availability of channels 62GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsn.a.
S1 S1-4 38 aAR 42Description of action taken, planned or underway to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on own workforce  62-64

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topics 


GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuries


GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-10 Work-related ill health

S1 S1-4 38 dAR 38 - AR 39Description of how effectiveness of actions and initiatives in delivering outcomes for own workforce is tracked and assessed 64GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S1 S1-4 41AR 37Disclosure of whether and how it is ensured that own practices do not cause or contribute to material negative impacts on own workforce  61–62n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-6 50 aAR 57Number of employees (head count)65

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

S1 S1-6 50 aAR 57Average number of employees (head count)65

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

S1 S1-6 50 aAR 57Number of employees in countries with 50 or more employees representing at least 10% of total number of employees65

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

S1 S1-6 50 aAR 57Average number of employees in countries with 50 or more employees representing at least 10% of total number of employees65

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 Employees

GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees

S1 S1-6 50 cAR 59Number of employees who have left undertaking 65GRI 401: Employment 2016: 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnovern.a.
S1 S1-6 50 c Percentage of employee turnover65GRI 401: Employment 2016: 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnovern.a.
S1 S1-6 50 dAR 60Description of methodologies and assumptions used to compile data (employees) 65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 employeesn.a.
S1 S1-6 50 d i Employees numbers are reported in head count or full-time equivalent65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 employeesn.a.
S1 S1-6 50 d ii Employees numbers are reported at end of reporting period/average/other methodology65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 employeesn.a.
S1 S1-6 50 eAR 58Disclosure of contextual information necessary to understand data (employees) 65GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-7 employeesn.a.
S1 S1-6 50 f Disclosure of cross-reference of information reported under paragraph 50 (a) to most representative number in financial statements 65n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-9 66a Gender distribution in number of employees (head count) at top management level66GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
S1 S1-9 66 a Gender distribution in percentage of employees at top management level (this datapoint is the same as our committed datapoint ‘proportion of women in senior management roles’)66GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
S1 S1-9 66 b Distribution of employees (head count) under 30 years old66GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
S1 S1-9 66 b Distribution of employees (head count) between 30 and 50 years old66GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
S1 S1-9 66 b Distribution of employees (head count) over 50 years old66GRI 405: Diversity and equal opportunity 2018: 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesn.a.
S1 S1-9 AR 71 Disclosure of own definition of top management used 66n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-14 88 aAR 80Percentage of people in its own workforce who are covered by health and safety management system based on legal requirements and (or) recognized standards or guidelines66GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemn.a.
S1 S1-14 88 bAR 82, AR 89 - AR91Number of fatalities in own workforce as result of work-related injuries and work-related ill health66

GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuries

GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-10 Work-related ill health

S1 S1-14 88 cAR 89 - AR 91Number of recordable work-related accidents for own workforce66GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuriesn.a.
S1 S1-14 88 cAR 89 - AR 91Rate of recordable work-related accidents for own workforce66GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuriesn.a.
S1 S1-14 88 d Number of cases of recordable work-related ill health of employees66GRI 403: Occupational health and safety 2018: 403-9 Work-related injuriesn.a.
S1 S1-14 88 eAR 95Number of days lost to work-related injuries and fatalities from work-related accidents, work-related ill health and fatalities from ill health related to employees66n.a.n.a.
S1 S1-17 103 a Number of incidents of discrimination and harassment [table]67GRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016: 406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective action takenn.a.
S1 S1-17 103 dAR 103-AR 106Disclosure of contextual information necessary to understand data and how data has been compiled (work-related grievances, incidents and complaints related to social and human rights matters) 67GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-27 Compliance with laws and regulationsn.a.
S1 S1-17 104 aAR 103-AR 106No severe human rights incidents connected to own workforce have occurred67GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S2 S2.SBM-3 11 a Description of types of value chain workers subject to material impacts68n.a.n.a.
S2 S2.SBM-3 11 d Description of activities that result in positive impacts and types of value chain workers  that are positively affected or could be positively affected 69n.a.n.a.
S2 S2.SBM-3 11 e Description of material risks and opportunities arising from impacts and dependencies on  value chain workers  68n.a.n.a.
S2 S2-1 17 Description of relevant human rights policy commitments relevant to value chain workers69–71GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S2 S2-1 17a Disclosure of general approach in relation to respect for human rights relevant to value chain workers70GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S2 S2-1 17b Disclosure of general approach in relation to engagement with value chain workers69

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement

S2 S2-1 17 c Disclosure of general approach in relation to measures to provide and (or) enable remedy for human rights impacts 69–70

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

S2 S2-1 18 Policies explicitly address trafficking in human beings, forced labor or compulsory labor and child labour70

GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topics

GRI 408:Child labor 2016: 408-1 Operations and suppliers at

significant risk for incidents of child labor

GRI 409: Forced or compulsary labor 2016: 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor

S2 S2-1 18 Undertaking has supplier code of conduct70GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-24 Embedding policy commitmentsn.a.
S2 S2-1 19AR 14Disclosure of whether and how policies are aligned with relevant internationally recognized instruments 70GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S2 S2-1 19 Disclosure of extent and indication of nature of cases of non-respect of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work or OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises that involve value chain workers70n.a.n.a.
S2 S2-2 22AR 20Disclosure of whether and how perspectives of value chain workers inform decisions or activities aimed at managing actual and potential  impacts 71GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S2 S2-2 22 a Engagement occurs with value chain workers or their legitimate representatives directly, or with credible proxies71GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S2 S2-2 22 bAR 18Disclosure of stage at which engagement occurs, type of engagement and frequency of engagement 71GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S2 S2-2 22 cAR 17 - AR 18Disclosure of function and most senior role within undertaking that has operational responsibility for ensuring that engagement happens and that results inform undertakings approach 71GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
S2 S2-3 27 b AR 22Disclosure of specific channels in place for value chain workers to raise concerns or needs directly with undertaking and have them addressed 72GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impactsn.a.
S2 S2-3 27 c  Disclosure of processes through which undertaking supports or requires availability of channels 72n.a.n.a.
S2 S2-3 27 d AR 27Disclosure of how issues raised and addressed are tracked and monitored and how effectiveness of channels is ensured 72n.a.n.a.
S3 S3.SBM-3 9 a)AR 7Description of types of affected communities subject to material impacts73n.a.n.a.
S3 S3.SBM-3 9 c Description of activities that result in positive impacts and types of affected communities that are positively affected or could be positively affected 73n.a.n.a.
S3 S3.SBM-3 9 d Description of material risks and opportunities arising from impacts and dependencies on  affected communities   73n.a.n.a.
S3 S3-1 15 Disclosure of any particular policy provisions for preventing and addressing impacts on indigenous peoples74n.a.n.a.
S3 S3-1 16 Description of relevant human rights policy commitments relevant to affected communities74GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S3 S3-1 16 a Disclosure of general approach in relation to respect for human rights of communities, and indigenous peoples specifically74GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S3 S3-1 17AR 10Disclosure of whether and how policies are aligned with relevant internationally recognized instruments 70GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23 Policy commitments  n.a.
S3 S3-3 27 b  Disclosure of specific channels in place for affected communities to raise concerns or needs directly with undertaking and have them addressed 75

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts

GRI 413: Local communities 2016: 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs

S3 S3-3 27 d  Disclosure of how issues raised and addressed are tracked and monitored and how effectiveness of channels is ensured 75n.a.n.a.
S4 S4.SBM-3 10 a Description of types of consumers and end-users subject to material impacts76n.a.n.a.
S4 S4.SBM-3 10 c Description of activities that result in positive impacts and types of  consumers and end-users that are positively affected or could be positively affected 76n.a.n.a.
S4 S4.SBM-3 10 d Description of material risks and opportunities arising from impacts and dependencies on  consumers and end-users   76n.a.n.a.
G1 G1.GOV-1 5a Disclosure of role of administrative, management and supervisory bodies related to business conduct79GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsn.a.
G1 G1.GOV-1 5 b Disclosure of expertise of administrative, management and supervisory bodies on business conduct matters79GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-9 Governance structure and compositionn.a.
G1 G1-1 9AR 1Description of how the undertaking establishes, develops, promotes and evaluates its corporate culture79

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-16: Communication of critical concerns

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-23, Policy commitments

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-24: Embedding policy commitments

G1 G1-1 10a Description of the mechanisms for identifying, reporting and investigating concerns about unlawful behavior or behavior in contradiction of its code of conduct or similar internal rules83GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsn.a.
G1 G1-1 10 e Undertaking is committed to investigate business conduct incidents promptly, independently and objectively83n.a.n.a.
G1 G1-1 10 g  Information about policy for training within organization on business conduct83GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-24 Embedding policy commitmentsn.a.
G1 G1-2 15 a AR 2 - AR 3Description of approaches in regard to relationships with suppliers, taking account risks related to supply chain and impacts on sustainability matters84GRI 3: Material topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topicsn.a.
G1 G1-2 15 bAR 2 - AR 3Disclosure of whether and how social and environmental criteria are taken into account for selection of supply-side contractual partners84–87

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016: 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

GRI 414:Supplier Social Assessment 2016: 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria 

G1 G1-3 18 aAR 5 - AR 6Information about procedures in place to prevent, detect, and address allegations or incidents of corruption or bribery88

GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021: 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

GRI 3: Material Topics 2021: 3-3 Management of material topics

G1 G1-3 20 Information about how policies are communicated to those for whom they are relevant (prevention and detection of corruption or bribery)88–89GRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016: 205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresn.a.
G1 G1-3 21 a  Information about nature, scope and depth of anti-corruption or anti-bribery training programs offered or required89–91n.a.n.a.


  1. Please note that we are using ESRS definitions and breakdowns whenever the definitions and breakdowns provided by GRI differed from the one required by ESRS.
  2. Please note that we are using ESRS definitions and breakdowns whenever the definitions and breakdowns provided by ISSB differed from the one required by ESRS.



SASB - Electrical & Electronic Equipment
TopicMetricCategoryUnit of MeasureCodeABB answer
Energy Managementa. Total Energy Consumed (Gigajoules)QuantitativeGigajoules (GJ)
b. Percentage Grid Electricity (%) Percentage (%) 68%
c. Percentage Renewable (%) Percentage (%) 69%
Hazardous Waste Managementa. Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage recycled (Metric tons, %)QuantitativeMetric tons (t), Percentage (%)RT-EE-150a.16,201, 60% (Increase due to warehouse clean-ups in several sites for electronics)
b. Number and aggregate quantity of reportable spills, quantity recovered (Number, Kilograms) Number, Kilogrammes (kg)RT-EE-150a.21 spill, 470 liters of oil, none recovered.
Product Safetya. Number of recalls issued, total units recalled (Number)QuantitativeNumberRT-EE-250a.1a. As of 2024, this number is not available on an aggregated level at ABB.
b. Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with product safety Presentation currencyRT-EE-250a.2b. Not applicable. Due to NDA agreements with third parties, we are unable to disclose monetary values resulting from legal proceedings with these third parties.
Product Lifecycle Managementa. Percentage of products by revenue that contain IEC 62474 declarable substances (% by revenue) Percentage (%) by revenueRT-EE-410a.1As of 2024, we are unable to respond to this question. Please refer to the section “Circularity” in the Sustainability Statements.
b. Percentage of eligible products, by revenue, certified to an energy efficiency certification (% by revenue)QuantitativePercentage (%) by revenueRT-EE-410a.2Only applicable to North America products. All ABB products are included in point c.
c.    Revenue from renewable energy related and energy efficiency related products (Reporting currency) Presentation currencyRT-EE-410a.3Using the EU taxonomy as reference: In 2024, ABB reached a 0% Taxonomy-aligned revenue under the Climate Change Mitigation environmental objective that covers partially this requirement. For further details please refer to ABB's EU Taxonomy disclosures in the Sustainability Statement.
Materials sourcinga.    Description of the management risks associated with the use of critical material (Discussion & Analysis)Discussion and Analysisn.a.RT-EE-440a.1Please refer to the sections “Circularity” and “Responsible sourcing” in the Sustainability Statements.
Business ethicsDescription of policies and practices for prevention of:     
a.    Corruption and bribery and anti-competitive behaviour (Discussion & Analysis)Discussion and Analysisn.a.RT-EE-510a.1Please refer to the section “Integrity and transparency” in the Sustainability Statement.
b. Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with bribery or corruption (Reporting currency)QuantitativePresentation currencyRT-EE-510a.2b. Immaterial amount associated with the resolution in Germany of the legacy Kusile enforcement matter.
c. Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behaviour regulations (Reporting currency)QuantitativePresentation currencyRT-EE-510a.3-
Activity Metricsa. Number of units produced (Production should be disclosed as number of units produced by product category, where relevant product categories include energy generation, energy delivery, and lighting and indoor climate control electronics.)QuantitativeNumberRT-EE-000.APlease refer to the section “Analysis of results of operations” in the Financial Report 2024.
b. Number of Employees NumberRT-EE-000.B112,769



Swiss Code of Obligations content index

  Page ReferenceAssured 2024
Swiss CO - Art. 964b paragraph 2
1Description of the business modelABB is a technology leader in electrification and automation, enabling a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. We operate in approximately 100 countries across three regions: Europe, the Americas, and Asia, Middle East and Africa, and generate revenues in numerous currencies. We govern our company through our four Business areas: Electrification, Motion, Process Automation, and Robotics & Discrete Automation and 19 divisions. While the ABB Way provides standardized policies, processes and systems, it also empowers our divisions to take full ownership of and accountability for their respective strategies, performance and resources. More about the ABB’s business model is available in the Financial Report 2024 -> Financial review of ABB Group -> About ABB, Organizational structure, History of the ABB Group, ABB Today, and Businesses. 
2Materiality assessmentDouble Materiality Assessment (p.16) 
3Description of policies adopted in relation to:  
 • Environmental issues, including CO2 goals

Sustainability at ABB -> Sustainability-related policies (p. 19)

Protecting the climate -> Climate change-related policies (p. 29)

Committing to Circularity -> Policy commitments to circular resource management (p. 40)

Water management at ABB -> Water-related policies (p. 43)

Keeping pollution in check (p. 45)

 •   Social issues

Sustainability at ABB -> Sustainability-related policies (p. 19)

Responsibility for our employees -> Employee-related policies (p. 58)

Social protection in the value chain -> Supplier-related policies (p. 68)

Protecting vulnerable communities -> Community-related policies (p. 74)

Protecting consumers -> Consumer-related policies (p. 76)

Good business conduct -> Business conduct-related policies (p. 81)

 •   Employee-related issues

Sustainability at ABB -> Sustainability-related policies (p. 19)

Responsibility for our employees -> Employee-related policies (p. 58)

 •   Respect for human rights

Sustainability at ABB -> Sustainability-related policies (p. 19)

Responsibility for our employees -> Employee-related policies (p. 58)

Social protection in the value chain -> Supplier-related policies (p. 69)

Protecting vulnerable communities -> Community-related policies (p. 74)

Good business conduct -> Business conduct-related policies (p. 81)

 •   Combatting corruption

Sustainability at ABB -> Sustainability-related policies (p. 19)

Good business conduct -> Business conduct-related policies (p. 81)

4Presentation of the measures taken to implement these policies and an assessment of the effectiveness of these measuresSee above sections 
5Description of the main risks related to the matters referred above and how ABB is dealing with these risks, in particular:  
 a.   Risks that arise from ABB’s own business operations, and

Sustainability at ABB -> Material impacts, risks, and opportunities (p. 14)

IRO descriptions in topical chapters -> pp.25, 39, 43, 45, 57, 68, 73, 76, 80

Specific climate risks -> pp. 25, 26, 37

 b.   Risks that arise from ABB’s business relationships, products or services (to the extent relevant and proportionate)

Sustainability at ABB -> Material impacts, risks, and opportunities (p. 14)

IRO descriptions in topical chapters -> pp.25, 39, 43, 45, 57, 68, 73, 76, 80

Specific climate risks -> pp. 25, 26, 37

6The main performance indicators for ABB’s activities in relation the matters referred to above

Protecting the climate (p. 24)

Committing to Circularity (p. 39)

Water management at ABB (p. 43)

Responsibility for our employees (p. 57)

Social protection in the value chain (p. 68)

Protecting vulnerable communities (p. 73)

Good business conduct (p. 79)

Swiss CO - Art. 964j and the Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in Relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labor 
 Conflict MineralsGood business conduct -> Engaging suppliers -> Dealing with conflict minerals and other minerals of concern (p. 86) 
 Child laborProtecting vulnerable communities -> Community-related policies -> Human rights policy and due diligence framework (p. 74) 
Swiss CO – Ordinance on Climate Disclosures
 We fulfill the Swiss Ordinance on Climate Disclosures via relevant ESRS sections; please refer to the ESRS Index table for disclosures under ESRS E-1. Certain disclosures, primarily the risk quantification, are not yet reported.  

Note: The relevant content subject to limited assurance is indicated through the use of a dot in the "Assured 2024" column.




EU Taxonomy

2024 ABB assessment results under the EU Taxonomy

In 2024, we conducted a thorough assessment of our revenue streams to evaluate their alignment with the EU Taxonomy criteria. This process involves three key elements:

  1. Substantial Contribution: Demonstrating a significant positive impact toward climate or environmental objectives.
  2. Do No Significant Harm (DNSH): Ensuring our activities do not cause significant harm to other environmental objectives.
  3. Minimum Safeguards: Ensuring minimum governance standards and compliance with social norms, including human and labor rights.

Our analysis revealed that 19% of our revenues in 2024 substantially contributed to the EU Taxonomy objective of climate change mitigation. Despite this positive outcome, we are unable to reach full alignment with the EU Taxonomy requirements due to challenges in meeting the generic DNSH criteria related to pollution. 

ABB has robust processes and systems to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, including RoHS and REACH compliance. However, DNSH criteria for pollution pose challenges due to differences between the required criteria and existing applicable sectoral legislation. While an evaluation against the criteria is underway, we cannot yet reliably confirm criteria fulfillment for all relevant products, and we currently cannot indicate when this will occur. 

The full set of disclosures for financial year 2024 can be found in the Environmental section of our latest Sustainability Statement.


ABB welcomes the significant progress made over the past years in expanding the EU Taxonomy to include many critical activities, such as manufacturing of electrical equipment, which are essential for advancing a resilient, electrified and decarbonized energy system. This expansion is an important step toward aligning sustainable activities with the needs of the energy transition.

Nonetheless, we believe the EU Taxonomy could even better recognize and acknowledge the manufacturing sector's significant efforts toward adopting more sustainable practices. While seeking to encourage manufacturers to further enhance their sustainability ambitions, the EU Taxonomy must balance ambition with practicality and technological feasibility to not undermine its relevance and usability.

We acknowledge the complexity of developing a unified, comprehensive classification system for sustainable activities and recognize that this will remain work in progress. At ABB, we remain committed to supporting the refinement of the EU Taxonomy and welcome the efforts of the EU Commission to overcome ambiguities and inconsistencies in the EU Taxonomy itself and to streamline it with the other EU Sustainability Reporting requirements via the “Omnibus Regulation”. By addressing the current usability challenges, the EU Taxonomy has the potential to become a powerful driver of sustainable investments and meaningful progress toward a greener future.



Disclosures for the financial year 2024 can be found in the “Appendix” of our latest Sustainability Statement.